Sunday, March 2, 2025
HomeParkinsonsWhat is Parkinson's Disease?

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinsons Disease is a disease of the brain when certain cells of the brain loose their function which leads to various symptoms. The disease has been identified in world literature for over two centuries.

What are the symptoms of Parkinsons Disease?

The symptoms can be divided into those affecting your movement and those not. The cardinal symptoms of Parkinsons Disease can be like a general slowness in daily activities like turning sides in bed, getting out of bed, walking, eating, grooming etc. Patient may have a sense of tightness in his body. Most striking symptom of the disease may be shaking of hands and legs to a variable degree. Patient may lose balance and fall down at times. The patient and his relatives note a worsening as days go by.

Other group of symptoms may be those not affecting the movement commonest being constipation. Patient may have difficulty understanding things, may have hallucinations, decreased sens of smell and taste. Patient may have anxiety, depression or phobias. Patient may experience erectile dysfunction or light headedness. Sleep may be disturbed and patient may enact vivid dreams. Patient may experience non-specific pains and aches.

So, a variety of symptoms may help in diagnosing Parkinsons Disease.

How is it diagnosed?

The diagnosis of the disease is predominantly on the symptoms. However in certain cases a MRI- Brain may be necessary. The MRI helps us differentiate between various types of Parkinsons Disease. A newer modality of imaging is a  DAT Scan which specifically tries to see the cells that are affected in Parkinsons Disease.

What are the types of Parkinsons Disease?

Parkinsons Disease is a symptom complex as told earlier. But certain diseases may have similar symptoms such as Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Multiple Systemic Atrophy, Levi Body Dementia may mimic Parkinsons Disease. But a careful clinical examination helps us in diagnosing the disease.

How is it treated?

Treatment of Parkinsons Disease is a team approach. Today various medicines are available to treat the disease at various stages of the disease. The patient should visit the Doctor regularly for appropriate management of disease. Regular doctor visits and modification in drugs ensure long term wellbeing of the patient.

A patient may need a Deep Brain Stimulation surgery where patient develops side effects to the medicines. However, the patient should be carefully selected.

Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy is essential for the patient to train the patient to do his day to day activities. In later stages of the disease speech therapist may be required to help swallowing. Psychologist and Psychiatrist may be essential in treating cerian symptoms of the disease. Social support groups help coping up with the disease. Palliative and end of life care may be required.

The disease cannot be cured, but controlled.

Can it be inherited?

Yes, mutation or defect certain genes may cause the disease. But all patients of Parkinsons Disease may not be genetic.

What do I do if one of my relatives is developing symptoms?

First, don’t panic or be afraid of the disease. In most cases patient can live a near normal life with medicines and rehabilitation. Consult your Physician at the earliest and take proper treatment. Don’t neglect the patient, he has a good life ahead of him.


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